GRÊMIO NÃO DÁ DESCANSO E FOCADO NA SUL-AMERICANA! Faltam só duas rodadas para garantir a vaga!

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GRÊMIO NÃO DÁ DESCANSO E FOCADO NA SUL-AMERICANA! Faltam só duas rodadas para garantir a vaga!

Gremio total focus on seeking the South American Cup and rules out early vacation Guaranteed mathematically in the A Series of Brasileirão, Gremio distances the risk of relegation, but does not relax. The Gremio board rules out granting early vacation to the squad and promises to maximum force in the remaining two rounds of the championship. The goal now is to secure a spot in the 2025 South American Cup. On Wednesday (4), the Tricolor faces Vitória in Salvador, and ends its participation next Sunday (8), against Corinthians at the Arena. According to the football vice president Antonio Brum, the idea is to keep the group mobilized until the end. "Gremio will very unlikely give early vacation to its squad becawe will compete in the Brazilian Championship until the last round with full force. Obviously, some sporadic case of some player may occur," said the official.

Grêmio treino
Imagem: Lucas Uebel/ GFBPA

Details on the athletes' vacations Brum also detailed the planning for the athletes' vacations, considering the tight 2024 schedule. "As there will be a shorter preparation time becathe Gaúcho Championship calendar starts earlier, we are thinking of giving a vacation period of 20 to 23 days now and another during the break of Brasileirão for the World Cup. But we are still debating these strategies," he explained. With no chance of relegation, the focus of the Immortal now is to secure qualification for the South American Cup, with specific adjustments to the squad, but maintaining the commitment to compete until the end.

— Very unlikely Gremio will give early vacation to its squad becawe will compete in the Brazilian Championship until the last round with full force. Obviously, some sporadic case of some player may occur — said the official.

Elaborated by an AI language model.

— As there will be a shorter preparation time becathe Gaúcho Championship calendar starts earlier, we are thinking of giving a vacation period of 20 to 23 days now and another during the break of Brasileirão for the World Cup. But we are still debating these strategies — he explained.

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